Saturday, November 4, 2017

Day12 in the Philippines

Day12 (20/10/2017)
My last day in UST

             07.00 a.m. Our friends came to see us; we met for the last time. They gave us some souvenir. It was our impressive moment.  

             09.30 Ms.Cortez brought us to the airport for sending us return to Thailand. Ms.Cortez was not allowed to come inside because she did not have a ticket. She stared us from the second floor and wave for saying goodbye. She was very kind.  13.00 We got departure from the Phillippines. 16.00 we arrived The Sunvannaphumi Airport.

            We took BTS to aim to HUALAMPHONG train station.  8.30 p.m. I started journey to my hometown. I will not forget these memorable memories. Once in a lifetime, I was in the Philippines.

Day11 in the Philippines

Day 11 (19/10/2017)
Closing ceremony & Farewell party

          Today was our closing ceremony.  10.00 a.m. We went to the San Martin building for preparing our performance shows. We wore Thai local clothes to show them about our culture and tradition. Thanks to Dean. Susan and Ms. Cortez for joining us and giving us many things from this program.
We started from introduction about Thailand and UBRU. Then, we began the show Thai local dance (Loy Kha Thong, and Serng Kratib). We danced together.

And we gave some souvenir to Dean, Susan, and Ms. Cortez. They gave us also. We got a certificate from her, it was an impressive moment.
         12.00 a.m. We had lunch (Farewell lunch), with Dean. Susan, Ma’am Cortez and our friends. Around 1 p.m. Ma’am Cortez brought us to meet Ms. Glenda Sevilla- nursing college's secretary, she brought us to visit the skill labs for practicing with the Apollo ( the robot demonstration patient) We tried to measure the pulse of the heart by stethoscope. Because, he can breathe, and he can blink his eyes as a real human.

       Then, we visited the President of Student Union of Nursing at his Organization room. We shared our experiences with his team and we exchanged about UBRU and UST.
      Unbelievably, he gave us some souvenir. I was so surprised because it was just my first time to meet him and he gave me. It was a nice moment.
       4.00 p.m. We went to souvenir shop for buying something, and then we noticed around UST. Because it would be our last time to be here.
      6.30 p.m. My Filipino friends took me to have a dinner as a farewell meeting.
    We talked and laughed. It would be our long relationship. I have memorized my special time here already.

      I spent my time here for two weeks. It seemed like a short time. But for me, I learned many things from being here. I was very lucky, and got a wonderful opportunity. Thank you for all supporting. I appreciated it. It is my beneficial time to improve myself. Not only using English, but also adjusting myself. I understood about the tradition and culture of the Filipino. I will not ignore what I gained. I am willing to utilize it as much as possible.

Day10 in the Philippines

Day10 (18/10/2017)
Visitation the libraries of UST.

     I had an appointment with Ms. Cortez at 10.00 a.m. I went to the San Martin building. Then, Ms. Cortez brought us to Antonia Vivencio DelRosaria, UST HERITAGE LIBRARY. We met Ms. Edward Puzon, an assistant in the library, he volunteered to be a guide to take us around the library. At the main library, there are many facilities for students. Mr. Edward took us to the conference hall for watching the video presentation about  the library.

         Then brought us to visit the Fourth floor of the library where is the preservation book and we met Ms.Ginalyn M. Santiago, she told us about the history of those books. Then, we met Ms. Diana V. Padilla, she explained us about the process of preservation books.    There are more than 30,000 books around 10 centuries ago. They can preserve those books and they spent for one month per one book. Because it’s too difficult to preserve it. They must have concentration to do it. After that, they shew us about scanner by the machine from Singapore. It  is very professional. It works automatically. They scan the books, and then upload it on their own website. 
     Then, Mr. Edward brought us to explore the first floor of the building for a while. Then, we went to have lunch. 

         1.30 p.m. We visited the Health sciences library (Library of nurses and doctors). We met Ms. Anna Rita Alomo, the librarian.
She explained to us about the library. And we spent our time in there for 2 hours to explore the library. 3.00 p.m. We visited the UST ANATOMY GALLERY for a while.
      Then, we came back to our dorm.5.00 p.m. My Filipino friends brought us the SM mall for having dinner at the Caronna (Buffet Filipino Restaurant) It was very delicious. We were shopping there.
8.00 p.m. we went back to our dorm. Then we prepared the performance shows for tomorrow because we will have the closing ceremony.
    I feel so strange, I have been here for two weeks, but It seemed like a very short time. Tomorrow will be the closing ceremony. 2 days left in the Philippines.

Day9 in the Philippines

Day9 (17/10/2017)
My day off

         Actually, we had a class, but for some reason our class were postponed for tomorrow. I spent my time with reminding my tasks and writing my journal.
     Until 3.00 p.m.  Ms.Cortez brought us to the mall of Asia by taking Uber for shopping and relaxing. I bought some souvenir for my parents and my family members. Impressively, Ms. Cortez bought us the snack, she was so kind. I walked around the mall about 2 hours.

     After that, we took the taxi to come back UST. and we arrived around 6.30 p.m.  I went to the Seven-Eleven for buying foods for my dinner.
      Exhaustively, Ms. Cortez is very kind and discreet. She always makes everything from ensuring that we are safe and arrive our dorm. She often counts and asks that “Is everyone here? Are you alright?” We are very lucky to meet her in the Philippines.


Day8 in the Philippines

Day8 (16/10/2017)
Exciting Day!!!!!!!

      We planned to go to The Tagaytay, the place that we can see The smallest volcano in the Philippines.  I woke up at 06.00 a.m. to take a bath and prepared my materials for bringing to the Tagaytay. Our friends came to take us at 08.30 a.m. We prayed before traveling. We visited the Nuvali first, then headed to The Tagaytay. We took about 2 hours to arrive

       We saw the volcano, It was awesome and remarkable. We divided for two groups to sightsee the views. We took many pictures there. I felt so lucky to visit this place because I have never seen volcano before.

     After sightseeing, we went to souvenir shops and I bought something about Tagaytay for my mother.   It was raining so hard while walking to the bus.
     1 p.m. We visited the Serin (the mall) for having dinner, we separated to have lunch. 2 p.m. We had to go to the Razon (the restaurant) for the meeting point. Ma’am Cortez treated us for the Filipino dessert. It was Halo, Halo. I finished it because I was hungry.
       Around 2.30 p.m. we visited the Our Lady of Lourdes Church for asking wishes.  3.00 p.m. We went to the Taal vista hotel (another side of the volcano) for taking pictures and seeing beautiful views. Then, we aimed to UST.

       6.30 p.m. I walked to the convenience store and restaurant for buying something for my dinner. I came back to the dorm and had the dinner with the team and discussed about today.
         It was my remarkable day. I met many things about Filipino people. I understood their life. I knew their routine. And I saw many wonderful places in here. I cannot forget these memorable memories. 

Day7 in the Philippines

Day 7 (15/10/2017)
Buddy Day

          09.30 a.m. My Filipino friends came to take us; we planned to go to The Market! Market!, the SM mall. We took Uber, public carrier. We hanged around the mall for 2-3 hours. I bought a bag it was quite cheap. Then we had lunch there. We took plenty pictures with our buddies (Filipino Friends).

         1.00 p.m. We visited the Venice Piazza, Mckinley Hill, Taguig in the Philippines. It was very wonderful and attractive. It seemed we were in the Italy, there were many boats to take the tourists to sightsee the view around there. We spent our time enjoyably with our buddies. It was memorable moments.
       3.30 p.m. we took the Uber again to come back our dormitory. I was tired and I slept for a while. Then, we arrived our dorm around 5.30 p.m. I was getting hungry. Our friends (the team from Pampanga) took us to have the dinner.

      We went to Isaw republic, the restaurant. And our friends ordered something for us. There were  Isaw, Dugo, Barbeque. It was not our dinner; we just tried to eat the Filipino foods. After that, we stepped to the Tap’N Chop for having dinner. We ordered the same menu those were Tapsilog,and Sinigang. We had the dinner together. It was very delicious.
         We came back to our dorm and discussed about our schedule tomorrow.
Then, we separated to sleep.

          Lastly, today was a wonderful day for me. I went to another province. And knew their lifestyle. We visited marvelous places. It was my relaxing time 

Day6 in the Philippines

Day 6 (14/10/2017)

      I got up around 08.00 a.m. for doing my work and writing my gained. Because we had no activity in the morning. But we discussed, we would pay respects to our king. Yesterday was anniversary 1 year of losing our great king; we have been grieving of losing him.

         10.00 a.m.  We went to the arch of UST to sing   the Sansoen Phra Barami song; Thai people always sing this song, to glorify his prestige. Then, we came back the Domus dormitory and changed our clothes, then we walked to buy some foods for our lunch. After that, we went back rooms, we had lunch together.
         1 p.m. we were waiting for our Filipino buddies. We scheduled to go to the national museum, but our plan had been canceled because it was raining so hard. We took some rest until 6 p.m. Ms. Cortez came to visit us and discussed about our activity and schedule. Then, we sent her back and met her husband.
        We bought something back to our dormitory for having the dinner together; we talked about the duty of everyone on October 19, 2017. We will have the closing ceremony and we will prepare our performance show. And respond about what we gained.